all postcodes in BH15 / POOLE

find any address or company within the BH15 postcode district

Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH15 3LR 44 0 50.736643 -1.968467
BH15 3LS 35 0 50.736446 -1.967327
BH15 3LT 12 0 50.737355 -1.970161
BH15 3LU 12 0 50.73713 -1.970274
BH15 3LW 23 0 50.736761 -1.969155
BH15 3LX 12 0 50.736915 -1.970558
BH15 3NA 42 0 50.733819 -1.961647
BH15 3NB 20 0 50.735266 -1.960554
BH15 3ND 36 0 50.736435 -1.959831
BH15 3NE 40 0 50.737927 -1.959036
BH15 3NF 8 0 50.734277 -1.962213
BH15 3NG 26 0 50.73442 -1.959847
BH15 3NH 17 0 50.735751 -1.959704
BH15 3NJ 30 0 50.736164 -1.957195
BH15 3NL 30 0 50.73576 -1.958046
BH15 3NN 44 0 50.737925 -1.957866
BH15 3NP 26 0 50.739249 -1.958921
BH15 3NQ 19 0 50.734645 -1.958486
BH15 3NR 47 0 50.738448 -1.955974
BH15 3NS 28 0 50.738043 -1.956868