all postcodes in BH15 / POOLE

find any address or company within the BH15 postcode district

Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH15 3NT 50 5 50.735975 -1.955367
BH15 3NU 48 0 50.735318 -1.956261
BH15 3NW 11 0 50.737125 -1.956932
BH15 3NX 3 0 50.735327 -1.955751
BH15 3NY 7 0 50.734491 -1.957225
BH15 3NZ 36 0 50.735263 -1.952449
BH15 3PA 45 0 50.735722 -1.953497
BH15 3PB 21 0 50.736369 -1.952009
BH15 3PD 35 0 50.736953 -1.952221
BH15 3PH 49 1 50.736936 -1.954587
BH15 3PQ 11 0 50.736864 -1.953808
BH15 3PR 6 0 50.728857 -1.970336
BH15 3PS 21 0 50.7291 -1.972107
BH15 3PT 31 0 50.72883 -1.971597
BH15 3PU 48 0 50.729478 -1.972376
BH15 3PX 11 0 50.727553 -1.969543
BH15 3PY 21 0 50.729154 -1.969642
BH15 3PZ 30 0 50.728956 -1.969132
BH15 3QA 25 0 50.728309 -1.97062
BH15 3QB 4 0 50.728765 -1.964343