all postcodes in BH3 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
BH3 7AA1050.732543-1.874165
BH3 7AB1150.734489-1.877065
BH3 7AD24050.733166-1.876162
BH3 7AE2150.734389-1.87819
BH3 7AF62050.73304-1.876474
BH3 7AG47250.733761-1.878286
BH3 7AJ14050.735398-1.878296
BH3 7AL36050.735804-1.879131
BH3 7AN58350.737333-1.879594
BH3 7AQ26050.732898-1.878047
BH3 7AR11050.735445-1.879925
BH3 7AS26050.737415-1.880473
BH3 7AT11650.738979-1.880001
BH3 7AW1150.738592-1.879279
BH3 7AX1150.739159-1.880142
BH3 7AY6150.734707-1.879374
BH3 7AZ21150.734059-1.881733
BH3 7BA28050.733802-1.882522
BH3 7BB12050.734727-1.881216
BH3 7BD13050.736078-1.883693