all postcodes in BH3 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
BH3 7ES12050.73782-1.890505
BH3 7ET7050.73392-1.893376
BH3 7EU5050.735133-1.892112
BH3 7EW20050.736048-1.89024
BH3 7EX5050.736705-1.890621
BH3 7EY4050.737792-1.88947
BH3 7EZ1050.739626-1.888559
BH3 7HA3050.734622-1.894338
BH3 7HB5050.734499-1.897569
BH3 7HD14050.734174-1.89621
BH3 7HE6050.734213-1.899199
BH3 7HF16050.735818-1.893429
BH3 7HG12050.737812-1.891511
BH3 7HH21050.735791-1.894307
BH3 7HJ20050.738424-1.89158
BH3 7HP15050.736481-1.881892
BH3 7HQ5050.738953-1.890304
BH3 7HR9050.737247-1.88335
BH3 7HS30050.739517-1.887539
BH3 7HT49050.741121-1.890582