all postcodes in BH3 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH3 7DQ 3 0 50.734517 -1.887834
BH3 7DR 3 0 50.740627 -1.891434
BH3 7DS 24 0 50.73599 -1.895058
BH3 7DT 21 0 50.738793 -1.892316
BH3 7DU 26 0 50.736035 -1.895724
BH3 7DW 1 0 50.734203 -1.888487
BH3 7DX 22 0 50.739117 -1.892642
BH3 7DY 20 0 50.739145 -1.894073
BH3 7DZ 26 0 50.736216 -1.896588
BH3 7EA 27 0 50.739559 -1.894455
BH3 7EB 27 0 50.736352 -1.897197
BH3 7ED 1 0 50.733979 -1.898605
BH3 7EE 2 0 50.737669 -1.894761
BH3 7EF 34 1 50.737951 -1.88597
BH3 7EG 13 0 50.740086 -1.890004
BH3 7EL 2 0 50.739062 -1.893412
BH3 7EN 30 0 50.736297 -1.886385
BH3 7EP 3 0 50.734047 -1.894297
BH3 7EQ 7 0 50.738174 -1.894273
BH3 7ER 15 0 50.735583 -1.892749