all postcodes in BH5 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH5 1LJ 14 0 50.723587 -1.831491
BH5 1LL 3 0 50.722152 -1.829378
BH5 1LN 6 0 50.722074 -1.830391
BH5 1LP 40 0 50.725862 -1.831993
BH5 1LQ 44 2 50.726647 -1.833392
BH5 1LR 35 0 50.723369 -1.830117
BH5 1LS 9 0 50.725438 -1.830464
BH5 1LT 60 0 50.723349 -1.828757
BH5 1LU 4 0 50.725873 -1.828188
BH5 1LX 33 5 50.723834 -1.834451
BH5 1LY 7 0 50.724729 -1.831912
BH5 1LZ 12 0 50.725033 -1.830281
BH5 1NA 8 0 50.726045 -1.8276
BH5 1NB 9 0 50.724983 -1.833583
BH5 1ND 28 0 50.724177 -1.835257
BH5 1NF 9 0 50.726414 -1.82784
BH5 1NH 6 0 50.724724 -1.834518
BH5 1NJ 6 0 50.723819 -1.836703
BH5 1NN 36 0 50.726805 -1.830728
BH5 1NP 7 0 50.727167 -1.832087