all postcodes in BH5 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH5 1NR 12 0 50.726356 -1.831042
BH5 1NS 30 0 50.72315 -1.827922
BH5 1NT 1 0 50.727868 -1.832184
BH5 1NU 10 0 50.726239 -1.830844
BH5 1NW 26 0 50.723678 -1.827559
BH5 1YH 1 1 50.727909 -1.863623
BH5 1EH 14 0 50.724208 -1.838289
BH5 1AY 0 50.722093 -1.844175
BH5 1FB 14 0 50.723403 -1.841677
BH5 1BP 0 50.722737 -1.841028
BH5 1LE 0 50.720702 -1.839406
BH5 1LG 0 50.720331 -1.839314
BH5 1BY 25 0 50.726768 -1.836608
BH5 1AN 10 0 50.722297 -1.835179
BH5 1BU 0 50.727459 -1.835033
BH5 1BW 12 0 50.727449 -1.834381
BH5 1DE 9 0 50.724025 -1.842653
BH5 1FD 8 0 50.725654 -1.83725
BH5 1BX 12 0 50.726864 -1.834553
BH5 1HY 0 50.725974 -1.834656