all postcodes in BL0 / BURY

find any address or company within the BL0 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL0 0LR 40 0 53.66591 -2.309504
BL0 0LS 12 0 53.665535 -2.308351
BL0 0LT 10 0 53.665158 -2.308439
BL0 0LU 9 1 53.664822 -2.309602
BL0 0LW 15 0 53.663569 -2.30764
BL0 0LX 17 0 53.664541 -2.307224
BL0 0LY 2 1 53.662922 -2.310388
BL0 0LZ 1 0 53.663386 -2.312482
BL0 0NA 24 1 53.660852 -2.312236
BL0 0NB 1 0 53.66013 -2.313063
BL0 0ND 8 0 53.658611 -2.309753
BL0 0NE 12 10 53.657014 -2.315476
BL0 0NF 38 0 53.658257 -2.314366
BL0 0NG 26 6 53.658325 -2.315303
BL0 0NH 1 1 53.657267 -2.318428
BL0 0NJ 12 0 53.658169 -2.317179
BL0 0NL 16 0 53.658525 -2.318559
BL0 0NN 5 0 53.65872 -2.319695
BL0 0NP 1 1 53.66302 -2.321514
BL0 0NQ 24 0 53.659055 -2.315416