all postcodes in BL0 / BURY

find any address or company within the BL0 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL0 0NR 2 0 53.662447 -2.320009
BL0 0NS 5 0 53.661435 -2.319322
BL0 0NT 2 2 53.660339 -2.31845
BL0 0NU 4 0 53.664562 -2.319513
BL0 0NW 12 0 53.659044 -2.31932
BL0 0NX 5 0 53.664295 -2.318497
BL0 0NY 10 0 53.664225 -2.318148
BL0 0NZ 3 0 53.664604 -2.317394
BL0 0PA 1 0 53.665036 -2.31708
BL0 0PB 26 0 53.665379 -2.316628
BL0 0PD 3 0 53.664189 -2.314667
BL0 0PE 2 0 53.663998 -2.314679
BL0 0PF 2 0 53.664025 -2.3148
BL0 0PG 6 0 53.663533 -2.314707
BL0 0PJ 8 0 53.659115 -2.31646
BL0 0PL 20 0 53.658803 -2.315414
BL0 0PN 12 0 53.658864 -2.316171
BL0 0PP 36 0 53.652463 -2.316743
BL0 0PQ 46 1 53.661861 -2.314589
BL0 0PR 27 0 53.654054 -2.31674