all postcodes in BL0 / BURY

find any address or company within the BL0 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL0 9LT 4 0 53.640877 -2.319969
BL0 9LU 1 0 53.642855 -2.309713
BL0 9LW 3 0 53.641263 -2.320244
BL0 9LX 36 0 53.637067 -2.312983
BL0 9LY 19 0 53.637723 -2.312957
BL0 9LZ 36 0 53.63693 -2.313693
BL0 9NA 12 3 53.64238 -2.322763
BL0 9NB 16 0 53.645133 -2.318216
BL0 9ND 42 8 53.641999 -2.323819
BL0 9NE 5 0 53.641897 -2.321867
BL0 9NG 18 0 53.642872 -2.323538
BL0 9NH 11 0 53.64299 -2.322949
BL0 9NJ 54 0 53.642055 -2.326482
BL0 9NL 7 0 53.641073 -2.326654
BL0 9NN 43 0 53.642939 -2.325415
BL0 9NP 6 0 53.641217 -2.327413
BL0 9NQ 46 0 53.642014 -2.32512
BL0 9NR 31 0 53.641973 -2.32695
BL0 9NS 2 0 53.641365 -2.328229
BL0 9NU 37 0 53.641279 -2.324146