all postcodes in BL0 / BURY

find any address or company within the BL0 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL0 9NW 14 0 53.642427 -2.325108
BL0 9NX 1 0 53.640928 -2.324567
BL0 9NZ 21 0 53.641276 -2.325583
BL0 9PA 1 0 53.641365 -2.325826
BL0 9PB 7 0 53.641114 -2.325597
BL0 9PD 42 3 53.640313 -2.325969
BL0 9PE 28 1 53.638761 -2.328029
BL0 9PF 27 0 53.639931 -2.327554
BL0 9PG 29 0 53.639569 -2.328338
BL0 9PH 13 0 53.640753 -2.325897
BL0 9PJ 12 0 53.639395 -2.326476
BL0 9PN 30 0 53.639033 -2.330376
BL0 9PP 20 0 53.639499 -2.327914
BL0 9PQ 11 1 53.638922 -2.328409
BL0 9PR 3 0 53.638697 -2.328513
BL0 9PS 26 0 53.637527 -2.328867
BL0 9PT 11 0 53.637971 -2.327584
BL0 9PU 25 1 53.637485 -2.327913
BL0 9PW 17 0 53.639176 -2.330649
BL0 9PX 21 3 53.637607 -2.329457