all postcodes in BL1 / BOLTON

find any address or company within the BL1 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL1 8NJ 18 3 53.59762 -2.433057
BL1 8NL 14 6 53.597953 -2.432484
BL1 8NN 12 6 53.598699 -2.433053
BL1 8NP 6 4 53.60129 -2.434165
BL1 8NR 10 0 53.601208 -2.434527
BL1 8NS 13 1 53.601544 -2.43417
BL1 8NT 36 0 53.600124 -2.436193
BL1 8NU 36 0 53.600127 -2.435377
BL1 8NW 24 18 53.600229 -2.432524
BL1 8NX 41 2 53.601768 -2.431769
BL1 8NZ 4 4 53.60029 -2.430394
BL1 8PA 20 1 53.600347 -2.432208
BL1 8PB 19 19 53.589513 -2.42498
BL1 8PD 3 0 53.600014 -2.432235
BL1 8PE 14 10 53.598898 -2.432616
BL1 8PG 24 2 53.598262 -2.43146
BL1 8PH 12 0 53.599573 -2.432366
BL1 8PJ 13 0 53.597779 -2.431366
BL1 8PL 6 0 53.597169 -2.431178
BL1 8PN 21 0 53.597393 -2.431256