all postcodes in BL1 / BOLTON

find any address or company within the BL1 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL1 8PP 1 1 53.59796 -2.428603
BL1 8PQ 12 0 53.598648 -2.432221
BL1 8PR 39 0 53.597622 -2.429989
BL1 8PS 8 0 53.597745 -2.430807
BL1 8PT 41 4 53.598263 -2.429165
BL1 8PU 30 1 53.598238 -2.426339
BL1 8PW 16 0 53.597433 -2.430018
BL1 8PX 18 0 53.597934 -2.425641
BL1 8PY 12 0 53.598791 -2.427387
BL1 8PZ 12 0 53.59887 -2.427932
BL1 8QA 4 3 53.59938 -2.431186
BL1 8QB 9 0 53.598955 -2.429263
BL1 8QD 30 0 53.599864 -2.429045
BL1 8QE 34 0 53.599364 -2.428088
BL1 8QF 15 0 53.599634 -2.430463
BL1 8QG 1 1 53.600125 -2.433762
BL1 8QH 5 0 53.59905 -2.430412
BL1 8QJ 29 0 53.599671 -2.430101
BL1 8QN 10 0 53.600702 -2.435808
BL1 8QP 10 0 53.602613 -2.431944