all postcodes in BL3 / BOLTON

find any address or company within the BL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL3 2ND 16 11 53.564777 -2.41217
BL3 2NG 4 3 53.565567 -2.412874
BL3 2NH 13 12 53.565552 -2.408735
BL3 2NP 4 2 53.566666 -2.409078
BL3 2NQ 8 7 53.563522 -2.413788
BL3 2NR 42 0 53.557907 -2.402852
BL3 2NU 8 6 53.564054 -2.413781
BL3 2NY 1 1 53.56398 -2.411802
BL3 2NZ 24 12 53.563193 -2.410147
BL3 2PA 8 0 53.556858 -2.402298
BL3 2PB 8 0 53.557188 -2.402905
BL3 2PD 19 0 53.558786 -2.40603
BL3 2PE 16 0 53.563013 -2.413453
BL3 2PF 28 0 53.562771 -2.413149
BL3 2PG 14 0 53.561413 -2.410705
BL3 2PH 2 1 53.561168 -2.408876
BL3 2PJ 15 0 53.560303 -2.406634
BL3 2PL 1 1 53.560753 -2.409129
BL3 2PN 34 0 53.558362 -2.404109
BL3 2PP 5 0 53.562033 -2.400279