all postcodes in BL3 / BOLTON

find any address or company within the BL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL3 2PQ 2 0 53.561872 -2.410058
BL3 2PR 10 0 53.558472 -2.403189
BL3 2PS 30 0 53.557777 -2.404088
BL3 2PT 31 0 53.558011 -2.398762
BL3 2PU 42 0 53.557815 -2.398096
BL3 2PW 52 0 53.558629 -2.404746
BL3 2PX 2 0 53.557898 -2.397022
BL3 2PZ 54 1 53.55734 -2.397729
BL3 2QA 29 0 53.556946 -2.397363
BL3 2QB 4 0 53.556882 -2.400246
BL3 2QE 9 0 53.556668 -2.397134
BL3 2QF 13 0 53.556362 -2.399848
BL3 2QG 6 4 53.556961 -2.400971
BL3 2QH 2 0 53.557154 -2.401816
BL3 2QJ 6 6 53.563397 -2.401002
BL3 2QN 1 1 53.56291 -2.411882
BL3 2QP 7 1 53.56746 -2.416411
BL3 2QS 27 5 53.567834 -2.417547
BL3 2QT 12 0 53.56784 -2.418483
BL3 2QU 32 0 53.567597 -2.418496