all postcodes in BL3 / BOLTON

find any address or company within the BL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL3 6LP 1 0 53.5674 -2.445627
BL3 6LQ 25 0 53.567328 -2.445793
BL3 6LR 18 13 53.566905 -2.443282
BL3 6LS 26 16 53.566667 -2.444608
BL3 6LT 17 10 53.566072 -2.444964
BL3 6LU 2 0 53.566189 -2.444586
BL3 6LW 14 0 53.566708 -2.44553
BL3 6LX 37 0 53.56567 -2.444507
BL3 6LY 1 0 53.569446 -2.4368
BL3 6LZ 9 0 53.567675 -2.444286
BL3 6NA 2 2 53.569281 -2.430185
BL3 6ND 2 2 53.569514 -2.430399
BL3 6NE 19 19 53.569239 -2.429445
BL3 6NF 3 3 53.57214 -2.43491
BL3 6NG 4 2 53.568314 -2.429329
BL3 6NJ 7 7 53.566738 -2.427698
BL3 6NN 3 3 53.568236 -2.427892
BL3 6NQ 21 1 53.568347 -2.4301
BL3 6NR 13 9 53.569281 -2.427875
BL3 6NU 1 1 53.567934 -2.427453