all postcodes in BL3 / BOLTON

find any address or company within the BL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL3 6NX 1 1 53.568632 -2.42823
BL3 6NY 6 4 53.56888 -2.426814
BL3 6NZ 1 1 53.567924 -2.427831
BL3 6PA 4 3 53.566108 -2.432279
BL3 6PB 15 10 53.567046 -2.429286
BL3 6PD 9 1 53.566777 -2.431654
BL3 6PE 21 1 53.565764 -2.435977
BL3 6PL 25 1 53.566053 -2.435437
BL3 6PN 40 0 53.565009 -2.433554
BL3 6PP 14 0 53.565439 -2.436397
BL3 6PQ 13 0 53.56559 -2.434315
BL3 6PW 46 1 53.565176 -2.434446
BL3 6PY 9 2 53.56543 -2.431399
BL3 6QE 8 0 53.565826 -2.431116
BL3 6QG 29 2 53.565087 -2.429312
BL3 6QN 3 0 53.565448 -2.428802
BL3 6QP 20 0 53.566365 -2.431197
BL3 6QU 7 1 53.565503 -2.428516
BL3 6QX 13 0 53.564841 -2.430321
BL3 6QY 15 1 53.565929 -2.43