all postcodes in BN11 / WORTHING

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN11 1HN 1 50.815452 -0.373211
BN11 1HP 1 50.81422 -0.371905
BN11 1HR 6 50.815771 -0.37222
BN11 1HS 1 50.81404 -0.373203
BN11 1HU 6 50.816531 -0.37252
BN11 1HW 2 50.815365 -0.372053
BN11 1HX 0 50.816504 -0.374494
BN11 1HY 1 50.815806 -0.373426
BN11 1JA 0 50.816039 -0.374667
BN11 1JB 0 50.814845 -0.375446
BN11 1JD 1 50.81416 -0.374065
BN11 1JE 1 50.81416 -0.374065
BN11 1JG 0 50.813965 -0.374909
BN11 1JH 1 50.815983 -0.375151
BN11 1JJ 0 50.815058 -0.373934
BN11 1JL 1 50.81414 -0.370715
BN11 1JN 1 50.81414 -0.370715
BN11 1JP 3 50.818448 -0.370054
BN11 1JQ 0 50.814287 -0.374813
BN11 1JR 3 50.817707 -0.371131