all postcodes in BN11 / WORTHING

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN11 1NY 1 50.812174 -0.367732
BN11 1PB 1 50.812636 -0.365374
BN11 1PD 0 50.813182 -0.365227
BN11 1PE 0 50.812619 -0.366723
BN11 1PF 2 50.813472 -0.366679
BN11 1PG 1 50.812814 -0.367213
BN11 1PN 3 50.813764 -0.372744
BN11 1PP 1 50.814024 -0.372721
BN11 1PS 2 50.814115 -0.375219
BN11 1PW 1 50.813694 -0.373527
BN11 1PX 1 50.812293 -0.372398
BN11 1PY 0 50.813385 -0.371352
BN11 1PZ 0 50.813492 -0.372458
BN11 1QA 1 50.813604 -0.373462
BN11 1QD 0 50.812894 -0.373555
BN11 1QE 0 50.812549 -0.373354
BN11 1QF 1 50.813535 -0.373746
BN11 1QG 5 50.812201 -0.372869
BN11 1QH 7 50.811035 -0.373123
BN11 1QN 4 50.8111 -0.372638