all postcodes in BN12 / WORTHING

find any address or company within the BN12 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN12 4ER 20 0 50.815602 -0.407531
BN12 4ES 3 0 50.814878 -0.409188
BN12 4ET 5 1 50.815582 -0.409348
BN12 4EU 21 0 50.814752 -0.410526
BN12 4EW 8 0 50.815805 -0.405281
BN12 4EX 21 0 50.814743 -0.411123
BN12 4EY 23 0 50.813408 -0.411523
BN12 4EZ 2 0 50.813752 -0.411643
BN12 4HA 5 0 50.813772 -0.412504
BN12 4HB 7 0 50.813684 -0.41397
BN12 4HD 15 1 50.813268 -0.415105
BN12 4HF 20 18 50.816304 -0.422061
BN12 4HG 1 0 50.813287 -0.413841
BN12 4HH 19 0 50.808713 -0.416806
BN12 4HJ 37 8 50.808529 -0.418431
BN12 4HL 9 0 50.808084 -0.420773
BN12 4HN 13 0 50.80698 -0.420924
BN12 4HP 4 0 50.805827 -0.422127
BN12 4HR 15 1 50.806099 -0.419634
BN12 4HS 14 0 50.806503 -0.420301