all postcodes in BN12 / WORTHING

find any address or company within the BN12 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN12 4HT 24 0 50.807212 -0.418816
BN12 4HU 15 0 50.807499 -0.417472
BN12 4HW 8 0 50.806408 -0.421866
BN12 4HX 8 0 50.807558 -0.418478
BN12 4HY 18 0 50.80885 -0.415581
BN12 4HZ 20 0 50.808488 -0.413436
BN12 4JA 17 0 50.80798 -0.411182
BN12 4JB 17 0 50.807193 -0.410173
BN12 4JE 6 0 50.807189 -0.406582
BN12 4JF 15 0 50.806677 -0.407891
BN12 4JG 21 0 50.806496 -0.411786
BN12 4JH 15 0 50.807293 -0.416187
BN12 4JJ 4 0 50.807213 -0.41426
BN12 4JL 5 3 50.812932 -0.422824
BN12 4JP 19 0 50.808757 -0.421361
BN12 4JQ 15 0 50.807136 -0.411253
BN12 4JR 5 0 50.809137 -0.422881
BN12 4JS 14 0 50.808865 -0.419399
BN12 4JT 2 0 50.808387 -0.419259
BN12 4JU 2 0 50.808278 -0.419844