all postcodes in BN13 / WORTHING

find any address or company within the BN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN13 3LH 20 0 50.83869 -0.416275
BN13 3LJ 11 0 50.837727 -0.420867
BN13 3LL 24 0 50.839977 -0.419669
BN13 3LN 21 0 50.840238 -0.416421
BN13 3LP 12 0 50.840428 -0.41846
BN13 3LQ 6 0 50.838525 -0.420754
BN13 3LR 22 0 50.840819 -0.420123
BN13 3LS 9 0 50.840496 -0.419495
BN13 3LT 6 0 50.840382 -0.420408
BN13 3LU 10 0 50.840141 -0.421879
BN13 3LW 2 0 50.840055 -0.417979
BN13 3LX 11 0 50.839397 -0.422003
BN13 3LY 28 0 50.839349 -0.419803
BN13 3LZ 9 0 50.83891 -0.420599
BN13 3NA 8 0 50.838607 -0.42149
BN13 3NB 6 0 50.838345 -0.422525
BN13 3ND 21 0 50.837283 -0.422018
BN13 3NE 9 0 50.836933 -0.421376
BN13 3NF 6 0 50.836502 -0.420794
BN13 3NG 10 0 50.836097 -0.420055