all postcodes in BN13 / WORTHING

find any address or company within the BN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN13 3NH 26 0 50.8375 -0.420093
BN13 3NJ 5 0 50.837964 -0.419822
BN13 3NL 13 0 50.836387 -0.41827
BN13 3NN 15 0 50.835709 -0.421332
BN13 3NP 13 0 50.840086 -0.41583
BN13 3NQ 8 0 50.836435 -0.419149
BN13 3NR 16 0 50.838949 -0.416167
BN13 3NS 1 1 50.824573 -0.425116
BN13 3NT 1 1 50.825215 -0.427408
BN13 3NW 18 0 50.835435 -0.421697
BN13 3NX 1 1 50.824122 -0.426366
BN13 3NZ 1 1 50.81414 -0.370715
BN13 3PA 20 0 50.832898 -0.420291
BN13 3PB 7 0 50.833018 -0.421153
BN13 3PD 4 0 50.833539 -0.421107
BN13 3PE 19 0 50.834033 -0.419046
BN13 3PF 38 0 50.834373 -0.419616
BN13 3PG 43 0 50.833622 -0.419273
BN13 3PH 26 0 50.833867 -0.420727
BN13 3PJ 48 0 50.827738 -0.424384