all postcodes in BN1 / BRIGHTON

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN1 1NF 5 50.819666 -0.138883
BN1 1NH 12 50.820259 -0.138121
BN1 1NJ 8 50.820157 -0.138693
BN1 1NL 0 50.821248 -0.141645
BN1 1NN 0 50.820265 -0.138688
BN1 1NR 1 50.820678 -0.141483
BN1 1NS 1 50.819667 -0.139521
BN1 1NT 1 50.819794 -0.137344
BN1 1NW 1 50.820391 -0.138669
BN1 1NX 1 50.821114 -0.138328
BN1 1PG 1 50.826334 -0.140818
BN1 1PN 1 50.819596 -0.138445
BN1 1PP 1 50.819615 -0.138558
BN1 1PS 1 50.826334 -0.140818
BN1 1QE 1 1 50.826334 -0.140818
BN1 1RB 13 7 50.824617 -0.141242
BN1 1RD 60 43 50.82365 -0.140045
BN1 1RE 9 9 50.823317 -0.141137
BN1 1RF 9 0 50.824528 -0.140919
BN1 1RG 4 4 50.823582 -0.142319