all postcodes in BN1 / BRIGHTON

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN1 1RH 36 26 50.823161 -0.142421
BN1 1RJ 21 2 50.824543 -0.142466
BN1 1RL 15 3 50.825017 -0.142291
BN1 1RN 33 2 50.824335 -0.141622
BN1 1RP 4 1 50.823658 -0.140513
BN1 1RQ 14 0 50.823944 -0.142106
BN1 1RR 12 0 50.823407 -0.143405
BN1 1RS 48 0 50.824279 -0.142817
BN1 1RT 3 0 50.823853 -0.140335
BN1 1RU 1 1 50.823785 -0.141715
BN1 1SD 1 1 50.823432 -0.139926
BN1 1SJ 1 1 50.826334 -0.140818
BN1 1SQ 1 1 50.823255 -0.142886
BN1 1UJ 20 18 50.824496 -0.140054
BN1 1TT 46 0 50.825531 -0.140126
BN1 1TY 16 0 50.824678 -0.140203
BN1 1TZ 30 0 50.825594 -0.140663
BN1 1UA 16 0 50.825584 -0.136674
BN1 1UB 55 16 50.82439 -0.13719
BN1 1UD 11 11 50.824082 -0.13838