all postcodes in BN23 / EASTBOURNE

find any address or company within the BN23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN23 6LR 0 50.789571 0.312566
BN23 6LS 0 50.790372 0.313031
BN23 6NA 0 50.786837 0.308061
BN23 6NB 0 50.788682 0.309812
BN23 6ND 0 50.788682 0.309812
BN23 6NE 1 50.788682 0.309812
BN23 6NG 0 50.788682 0.309812
BN23 6NH 2 50.789388 0.310457
BN23 6NJ 2 50.789069 0.309335
BN23 6NL 11 50.788731 0.308708
BN23 6NN 0 50.788284 0.30853
BN23 6NP 0 50.78747 0.307865
BN23 6NR 0 50.786827 0.307181
BN23 6NS 4 50.786501 0.306399
BN23 6NT 1 50.787259 0.305784
BN23 6NY 10 50.788076 0.307243
BN23 6PD 10 50.789013 0.304437
BN23 6PE 6 50.789557 0.305784
BN23 6PH 13 50.788415 0.303301
BN23 6PJ 2 50.788436 0.302465