all postcodes in BN23 / EASTBOURNE

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN23 6PL 1 50.787729 0.305679
BN23 6PN 1 50.788629 0.300218
BN23 6PQ 1 50.78842 0.303939
BN23 6PT 5 50.795903 0.288669
BN23 6PU 5 50.795724 0.288845
BN23 6PW 23 50.788744 0.296662
BN23 6PX 1 50.788925 0.301623
BN23 6QA 22 50.79015 0.300151
BN23 6QD 7 50.787017 0.303047
BN23 6QE 4 50.791318 0.29862
BN23 6QF 6 50.790615 0.301195
BN23 6BF 1 50.797013 0.289589
BN23 6QH 1 50.797013 0.289589
BN23 6QJ 2 50.788418 0.287353
BN23 6QN 3 50.797345 0.286866
BN23 6QU 9 50.795261 0.283983
BN23 6QY 1 50.788374 0.299908
BN23 6RR 0 50.785898 0.32497
BN23 6RS 0 50.785139 0.325173
BN23 6RT 0 50.785799 0.326312