all postcodes in BN26 / POLEGATE

find any address or company within the BN26 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN26 6WE 1 1 50.823418 0.244804
BN26 6XA 2 0 50.825539 0.154936
BN26 6XB 4 0 50.844425 0.144514
BN26 6NQ 0 50.82663 0.239108
BN26 6RJ 0 50.82144 0.247577
BN26 6DU 0 50.82147 0.24508
BN26 6QH 24 50.818825 0.270878
BN26 6FA 14 0 50.821901 0.267861
BN26 6FB 50 0 50.821932 0.266769
BN26 6FD 34 0 50.822204 0.267805
BN26 6FE 5 0 50.822892 0.26781
BN26 6FF 6 0 50.822835 0.268403
BN26 6FG 18 0 50.823361 0.2638
BN26 6FH 42 0 50.823964 0.262125
BN26 6FJ 53 0 50.823531 0.262204
BN26 6FL 36 0 50.822418 0.265586
BN26 6FN 38 0 50.822618 0.264105
BN26 6FP 12 0 50.822559 0.261787
BN26 6FQ 11 0 50.823259 0.262574
BN26 6FR 16 0 50.822825 0.264555