all postcodes in BN26 / POLEGATE

find any address or company within the BN26 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN26 6LU 28 0 50.822334 0.259931
BN26 6LW 8 0 50.822482 0.257425
BN26 6LX 10 0 50.821273 0.260646
BN26 6LY 3 0 50.821687 0.261305
BN26 6LZ 2 0 50.821701 0.26176
BN26 6NA 19 0 50.822712 0.260844
BN26 6NB 1 0 50.825264 0.259589
BN26 6ND 30 0 50.823863 0.258301
BN26 6NE 10 0 50.823063 0.259455
BN26 6NG 14 0 50.821654 0.259728
BN26 6NH 15 0 50.820199 0.26058
BN26 6NJ 10 1 50.824073 0.24299
BN26 6NL 33 0 50.824539 0.243097
BN26 6NN 11 0 50.825269 0.24113
BN26 6NP 16 0 50.82591 0.241019
BN26 6NS 2 0 50.825843 0.239113
BN26 6NT 6 0 50.826162 0.239142
BN26 6NU 18 0 50.827121 0.241631
BN26 6NX 12 0 50.828183 0.243939
BN26 6NY 2 0 50.827693 0.243007