all postcodes in BN41 / BRIGHTON

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN41 1SW 20 0 50.837384 -0.220823
BN41 1SX 49 0 50.836029 -0.219255
BN41 1SY 3 0 50.835823 -0.218752
BN41 1SZ 6 0 50.835756 -0.217306
BN41 1TA 1 1 50.838787 -0.217886
BN41 1TD 20 0 50.836583 -0.21905
BN41 1UA 11 0 50.839167 -0.213341
BN41 1UB 43 1 50.838812 -0.213653
BN41 1UQ 1 1 50.829088 -0.230028
BN41 1UR 1 1 50.837519 -0.204968
BN41 1UY 29 19 50.828787 -0.206183
BN41 1WA 8 6 50.828695 -0.202523
BN41 1WD 3 3 50.828972 -0.237799
BN41 1WE 12 1 50.826603 -0.202163
BN41 1WF 28 26 50.827737 -0.211449
BN41 1WR 46 46 50.82843 -0.20401
BN41 1WT 1 1 50.832072 -0.207548
BN41 1WY 1 1 50.83562 -0.21136
BN41 1XA 32 1 50.837662 -0.216054
BN41 1XB 44 3 50.83655 -0.213754