all postcodes in BN41 / BRIGHTON

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN41 1XD 9 7 50.836678 -0.210525
BN41 1XE 15 0 50.837273 -0.210644
BN41 1XF 50 6 50.836735 -0.205438
BN41 1XG 22 0 50.837099 -0.206915
BN41 1XH 25 1 50.837062 -0.207428
BN41 1XJ 9 0 50.837601 -0.20799
BN41 1XL 10 0 50.837094 -0.208336
BN41 1XN 26 0 50.83683 -0.206358
BN41 1XP 16 2 50.836051 -0.206586
BN41 1XQ 6 6 50.835486 -0.210798
BN41 1XR 25 5 50.838103 -0.210215
BN41 1XS 21 1 50.837928 -0.207026
BN41 1XT 25 0 50.838446 -0.209122
BN41 1XU 10 0 50.838525 -0.210766
BN41 1XW 11 0 50.837886 -0.204883
BN41 1XX 21 0 50.836222 -0.207205
BN41 1XY 1 1 50.836476 -0.208501
BN41 1YF 1 1 50.836068 -0.211798
BN41 1YH 1 0 50.836882 -0.209168
BN41 1RA 13 8 50.83192 -0.219909