all postcodes in BN43 / SHOREHAM-BY-SEA

find any address or company within the BN43 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN43 5UU 1 50.833644 -0.272985
BN43 5UX 0 50.836293 -0.267831
BN43 5WA 14 50.833903 -0.272847
BN43 5WB 20 50.833641 -0.272617
BN43 5WD 3 50.834201 -0.273532
BN43 5WE 0 50.835136 -0.277176
BN43 5WF 1 50.833659 -0.277685
BN43 5WG 1 50.833727 -0.277398
BN43 5WH 1 50.835544 -0.279206
BN43 5WJ 0 50.837759 -0.281241
BN43 5WL 0 50.837381 -0.281851
BN43 5WN 0 50.839314 -0.283612
BN43 5WP 0 50.839237 -0.284538
BN43 5WQ 1 50.839521 -0.28548
BN43 5WR 0 50.836628 -0.277121
BN43 5WS 0 50.836071 -0.277142
BN43 5WT 0 50.834786 -0.276024
BN43 5WU 4 50.834059 -0.275314
BN43 5WW 1 50.835759 -0.276727
BN43 5WX 1 50.834327 -0.271752