all postcodes in BN43 / SHOREHAM-BY-SEA

find any address or company within the BN43 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN43 5PG 12 0 50.830137 -0.256656
BN43 5PH 21 0 50.829817 -0.256327
BN43 5PJ 23 0 50.830389 -0.259118
BN43 5PL 13 0 50.830481 -0.260421
BN43 5PN 9 0 50.830435 -0.259783
BN43 5PP 9 0 50.830163 -0.258416
BN43 5PS 5 0 50.830384 -0.256959
BN43 5PT 4 0 50.830144 -0.257124
BN43 5PU 4 0 50.830045 -0.256973
BN43 5PW 3 0 50.830167 -0.256272
BN43 5PR 17 0 50.830178 -0.257592
BN43 5PX 2 0 50.830404 -0.258763
BN43 5JF 1 0 50.833042 -0.279085
BN43 5PY 49 0 50.83296 -0.27906
BN43 5QF 14 0 50.830059 -0.259116
BN43 5EG 9 9 50.832574 -0.279074
BN43 5QG 6 2 50.832422 -0.29507
BN43 5QH 9 0 50.831923 -0.278076
BN43 6AA 0 50.843238 -0.269818
BN43 6AB 0 50.843438 -0.269342