all postcodes in BN7 / LEWES

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN7 1XJ 9 0 50.872156 0.002641
BN7 1XL 6 1 50.87234 0.00289
BN7 1XN 42 9 50.872125 0.007571
BN7 1XP 5 0 50.872074 0.008152
BN7 1XQ 1 1 50.872537 0.009266
BN7 1XS 13 5 50.872318 0.004723
BN7 1XT 8 4 50.872177 0.006096
BN7 1XU 22 9 50.872353 0.007396
BN7 1XX 1 1 50.873231 0.010192
BN7 1XY 16 3 50.872041 0.004114
BN7 1YB 1 1 50.873086 0.009745
BN7 1YE 31 9 50.872722 0.008933
BN7 1YG 5 0 50.872534 0.006494
BN7 1YH 15 1 50.874385 0.009531
BN7 1YJ 28 11 50.873533 0.009622
BN7 1YL 6 0 50.872694 0.002735
BN7 1YN 6 0 50.87455 0.008287
BN7 1YP 18 0 50.872585 0.003313
BN7 1YQ 4 0 50.872845 0.006522
BN7 1YR 11 9 50.872913 0.006212