all postcodes in BN7 / LEWES

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN7 1RS 38 4 50.873153 -0.000998
BN7 1RT 2 0 50.873021 -0.002511
BN7 1RU 21 0 50.870851 0.010032
BN7 1RX 6 0 50.873314 -0.000934
BN7 1RZ 1 1 50.872056 0.001101
BN7 1SA 2 0 50.873698 -0.001586
BN7 1SB 49 0 50.872762 -0.001796
BN7 1SD 34 0 50.872436 -0.001626
BN7 1SF 1 1 50.879369 0.016199
BN7 1SH 15 2 50.87388 -0.001933
BN7 1SJ 37 0 50.87463 -0.003721
BN7 1SL 32 0 50.874757 -0.003275
BN7 1SN 50 0 50.874544 -0.001322
BN7 1SP 38 1 50.873168 0.001277
BN7 1SR 10 1 50.87335 -0.001189
BN7 1SS 18 0 50.873546 -0.001862
BN7 1ST 24 0 50.873687 -0.003292
BN7 1SU 30 1 50.87472 -0.002153
BN7 1SX 27 0 50.874852 -0.002503
BN7 1SY 32 0 50.874419 -0.000347