all postcodes in BR1 / BROMLEY

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR1 2LH 20 0 51.399819 0.051151
BR1 2LJ 11 0 51.395667 0.05052
BR1 2LL 7 0 51.395441 0.051602
BR1 2LN 12 0 51.398233 0.058513
BR1 2LP 14 0 51.397815 0.055734
BR1 2LQ 16 0 51.397449 0.050959
BR1 2LR 45 0 51.395601 0.054786
BR1 2LS 5 0 51.394712 0.054718
BR1 2LT 6 0 51.397633 0.050191
BR1 2LU 45 0 51.395443 0.053514
BR1 2LW 1 1 51.396678 0.058989
BR1 2LX 20 0 51.397019 0.054419
BR1 2LY 25 0 51.394568 0.052167
BR1 2LZ 26 0 51.394862 0.052281
BR1 2NA 29 0 51.402663 0.038137
BR1 2NB 17 0 51.402532 0.038965
BR1 2ND 25 2 51.40301 0.040424
BR1 2NE 2 1 51.404562 0.038621
BR1 2NF 10 0 51.40439 0.037107
BR1 2NG 18 0 51.406001 0.03702