all postcodes in BR1 / BROMLEY

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR1 2QJ 32 0 51.401768 0.036343
BR1 2QL 31 7 51.400377 0.035175
BR1 2QN 41 3 51.400198 0.036156
BR1 2QP 10 1 51.410495 0.037695
BR1 2QQ 34 2 51.402895 0.036739
BR1 2QR 1 0 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 2QS 18 0 51.413184 0.044415
BR1 2QT 17 0 51.398253 0.044037
BR1 2QW 22 0 51.400202 0.037493
BR1 2QX 7 3 51.399386 0.033175
BR1 2QY 6 0 51.400724 0.035388
BR1 2QZ 54 1 51.399958 0.03498
BR1 2RA 5 0 51.399038 0.031996
BR1 2RB 20 0 51.398348 0.034955
BR1 2RD 32 0 51.397947 0.034247
BR1 2RE 24 0 51.398617 0.033429
BR1 2RF 23 0 51.398308 0.033153
BR1 2RG 34 4 51.405615 0.035433
BR1 2RH 20 4 51.405836 0.03408
BR1 2RJ 31 0 51.404386 0.035266