all postcodes in BR1 / BROMLEY

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR1 4HE 27 3 51.414678 0.014741
BR1 4HF 40 1 51.415105 0.013955
BR1 4HG 33 0 51.415794 0.009958
BR1 4HH 6 0 51.416198 0.008422
BR1 4HJ 11 0 51.417056 0.00928
BR1 4HL 38 0 51.41748 0.00553
BR1 4HN 35 0 51.417724 0.010158
BR1 4HP 1 0 51.418192 0.010639
BR1 4HQ 3 0 51.418306 0.007146
BR1 4HR 23 0 51.417946 0.005105
BR1 4HS 31 0 51.418829 0.009199
BR1 4HT 13 0 51.418957 0.014841
BR1 4HU 4 0 51.419764 0.015468
BR1 4HW 27 0 51.418225 0.009763
BR1 4HX 48 0 51.415811 0.006867
BR1 4HY 24 0 51.416512 0.005344
BR1 4HZ 16 0 51.417276 0.004268
BR1 4JA 28 0 51.417067 0.002823
BR1 4JB 23 0 51.416591 0.002788
BR1 4JD 1 1 51.416716 0.00183