all postcodes in BR1 / BROMLEY

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR1 4JE 22 0 51.415954 0.001667
BR1 4JF 34 0 51.416271 0.004181
BR1 4JG 34 0 51.419403 -0.000728
BR1 4JH 2 0 51.416193 0.002408
BR1 4JJ 12 0 51.417518 0.002785
BR1 4JL 27 0 51.416954 -0.000576
BR1 4JN 27 0 51.419992 -0.003076
BR1 4JP 39 0 51.419995 0.005137
BR1 4JQ 30 0 51.419085 -0.001087
BR1 4JR 14 0 51.415514 0.002669
BR1 4JT 1 0 51.419098 0.00133
BR1 4JU 53 3 51.418946 0.000791
BR1 4JW 34 7 51.4201 -0.00362
BR1 4JX 51 17 51.420948 -0.001653
BR1 4JY 19 3 51.421854 -0.004162
BR1 4JZ 33 0 51.422371 -0.004468
BR1 4LA 52 0 51.422964 -0.004413
BR1 4LB 38 2 51.424728 -0.005041
BR1 4LX 10 1 51.424659 -0.005706
BR1 4LD 7 0 51.416653 0.000228