all postcodes in BR2 / KESTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR2 7HB 30 0 51.376126 0.008435
BR2 7HE 30 0 51.374072 0.004983
BR2 7HF 22 0 51.373298 0.004475
BR2 7HG 21 0 51.372787 0.00487
BR2 7HH 18 0 51.378313 0.005154
BR2 7HJ 12 0 51.377139 0.004428
BR2 7HL 11 0 51.376979 0.003228
BR2 7HN 22 1 51.377427 0.000704
BR2 7HQ 28 0 51.372511 0.005246
BR2 7HR 18 0 51.378487 0.00075
BR2 7HS 28 0 51.378644 0.001605
BR2 7HT 18 0 51.378581 0.004721
BR2 7HU 34 1 51.3808 0.004358
BR2 7HW 23 0 51.377719 0.001004
BR2 7HX 34 0 51.379958 0.003085
BR2 7HY 32 0 51.378962 0.002998
BR2 7HZ 15 0 51.379271 0.003817
BR2 7JA 38 0 51.3811 0.003638
BR2 7JB 21 0 51.381085 0.00506
BR2 7JD 26 0 51.3792 0.006946