all postcodes in BR2 / KESTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR2 7JE 31 1 51.37769 0.010573
BR2 7JF 22 1 51.378032 0.010516
BR2 7JG 21 0 51.377467 0.008853
BR2 7JH 11 0 51.377331 0.007353
BR2 7JJ 21 0 51.377806 0.005908
BR2 7JL 8 0 51.378368 0.006148
BR2 7JN 23 0 51.37955 0.009577
BR2 7JP 15 0 51.378704 0.007025
BR2 7JQ 27 0 51.377684 0.006693
BR2 7JR 27 0 51.378322 0.011449
BR2 7JS 28 0 51.379976 0.011507
BR2 7JT 19 0 51.379463 0.011513
BR2 7JU 18 0 51.378962 0.012439
BR2 7JW 19 0 51.379556 0.010324
BR2 7JX 20 0 51.379443 0.013725
BR2 7LA 27 0 51.381802 0.017206
BR2 7LB 2 0 51.380661 0.018232
BR2 7LD 40 17 51.378998 0.017629
BR2 7LE 22 1 51.379895 0.018286
BR2 7LF 1 1 51.37994 0.017841