all postcodes in BR2 / KESTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR2 7PL 42 0 51.383775 0.009144
BR2 7PN 3 0 51.384557 0.007626
BR2 7PP 24 0 51.38456 0.011119
BR2 7PQ 26 0 51.382497 0.009735
BR2 7PR 27 3 51.383657 0.010806
BR2 7PS 22 0 51.383509 0.010023
BR2 7PT 42 0 51.38557 0.011479
BR2 7PU 28 0 51.385937 0.010532
BR2 7PX 37 0 51.386142 0.012726
BR2 7QA 38 0 51.387011 0.013942
BR2 7QB 37 0 51.380263 0.014149
BR2 7QD 35 0 51.380655 0.014899
BR2 7QE 25 0 51.381048 0.008766
BR2 7QF 26 0 51.381295 0.009078
BR2 7QG 33 0 51.380865 0.006832
BR2 7QH 36 1 51.379526 0.008929
BR2 7QJ 23 0 51.379942 0.008761
BR2 7QL 18 0 51.384239 0.007267
BR2 7QN 19 0 51.381968 0.007067
BR2 7QP 24 0 51.382927 0.005629