all postcodes in BR2 / KESTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR2 7NG 36 1 51.382962 0.016193
BR2 7NH 1 0 51.383692 0.015593
BR2 7NJ 26 0 51.3819 0.01517
BR2 7NL 19 0 51.381524 0.014075
BR2 7NN 19 0 51.381387 0.011526
BR2 7NP 26 0 51.381456 0.012247
BR2 7NQ 35 0 51.381494 0.015813
BR2 7NR 6 0 51.382425 0.012405
BR2 7NS 24 0 51.381893 0.010341
BR2 7NU 15 0 51.383256 0.013217
BR2 7NW 31 0 51.381655 0.011106
BR2 7NY 23 0 51.384796 0.01363
BR2 7NZ 18 0 51.384688 0.014157
BR2 7PA 10 0 51.387028 0.013009
BR2 7PB 19 0 51.387219 0.011307
BR2 7PD 28 0 51.387563 0.011135
BR2 7PE 26 0 51.386057 0.009833
BR2 7PF 27 0 51.386193 0.009221
BR2 7PG 15 0 51.382901 0.009293
BR2 7PJ 46 0 51.383832 0.007939