all postcodes in BR5 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR5 2BD 0 51.383844 0.104633
BR5 2BE 8 51.386748 0.107221
BR5 2BG 0 51.385065 0.105723
BR5 2BH 1 51.387228 0.107013
BR5 2BJ 0 51.387842 0.108309
BR5 2BL 0 51.388679 0.104279
BR5 2BN 0 51.388955 0.102452
BR5 2BP 0 51.389568 0.09883
BR5 2BQ 0 51.385415 0.10676
BR5 2BS 0 51.388322 0.098643
BR5 2BT 0 51.387459 0.103131
BR5 2BU 0 51.387592 0.10272
BR5 2BW 0 51.389041 0.100171
BR5 2BX 0 51.387523 0.104083
BR5 2BY 0 51.387068 0.105858
BR5 2BZ 0 51.387228 0.105449
BR5 2DA 1 51.387791 0.107171
BR5 2DD 15 51.389854 0.106446
BR5 2DE 0 51.3907 0.105422
BR5 2DF 0 51.390921 0.103117