all postcodes in BR5 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR5 2HJ 0 51.39423 0.099158
BR5 2HL 0 51.394506 0.096296
BR5 2HN 0 51.39423 0.094141
BR5 2HP 5 51.393726 0.098157
BR5 2HQ 0 51.394056 0.098302
BR5 2HR 4 51.393594 0.097979
BR5 2HS 0 51.393064 0.097495
BR5 2HT 0 51.395786 0.106676
BR5 2HU 0 51.392806 0.097339
BR5 2HW 0 51.394513 0.093363
BR5 2HX 0 51.39239 0.095966
BR5 2HY 0 51.392684 0.098598
BR5 2HZ 0 51.392429 0.096747
BR5 2JA 0 51.392818 0.093631
BR5 2JB 0 51.393086 0.094247
BR5 2JD 1 51.391199 0.097179
BR5 2JE 0 51.393401 0.094693
BR5 2JF 0 51.393868 0.09424
BR5 2JG 0 51.392986 0.095795
BR5 2JH 0 51.402868 0.110898