all postcodes in BR8 / SWANLEY

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR8 7EH 36 0 51.398219 0.166076
BR8 7EJ 16 0 51.399148 0.16589
BR8 7EL 46 0 51.39296 0.163987
BR8 7EN 19 0 51.393718 0.162413
BR8 7EP 32 0 51.401736 0.163611
BR8 7EQ 18 0 51.400339 0.165213
BR8 7ER 13 0 51.400926 0.16363
BR8 7ES 25 0 51.400748 0.162055
BR8 7ET 36 0 51.401929 0.162383
BR8 7EU 11 0 51.394396 0.162704
BR8 7EW 16 0 51.394379 0.161654
BR8 7EX 25 0 51.400268 0.163685
BR8 7EY 26 0 51.398993 0.163093
BR8 7EZ 23 0 51.399473 0.162411
BR8 7FA 41 0 51.400975 0.165861
BR8 7FD 18 0 51.400895 0.17503
BR8 7HA 9 0 51.401855 0.164422
BR8 7HB 3 3 51.403105 0.162022
BR8 7HE 28 0 51.403005 0.160148
BR8 7HF 18 0 51.403158 0.160601