all postcodes in BR8 / SWANLEY

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR8 7HG 9 0 51.402533 0.16037
BR8 7HH 27 0 51.401987 0.161696
BR8 7HJ 8 0 51.403415 0.161303
BR8 7HL 19 0 51.401317 0.159508
BR8 7HN 33 0 51.401659 0.158992
BR8 7HP 37 0 51.399748 0.16067
BR8 7HQ 25 0 51.401455 0.16078
BR8 7HR 32 0 51.400398 0.16106
BR8 7HS 27 0 51.399239 0.160503
BR8 7HT 36 0 51.399441 0.160771
BR8 7HU 21 0 51.39957 0.159138
BR8 7HW 4 0 51.400186 0.158908
BR8 7HX 30 0 51.397762 0.161569
BR8 7HY 21 0 51.398495 0.16087
BR8 7HZ 42 0 51.397397 0.160387
BR8 7JA 38 0 51.397616 0.159736
BR8 7JB 28 0 51.398357 0.182371
BR8 7JD 9 0 51.397674 0.177968
BR8 7JE 26 0 51.3973 0.178266
BR8 7JF 27 0 51.39898 0.179813