all postcodes in BS13 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS13 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS13 8HX 30 0 51.410688 -2.631036
BS13 8HY 7 0 51.409936 -2.630407
BS13 8HZ 16 0 51.409306 -2.630499
BS13 8JA 2 0 51.408969 -2.630915
BS13 8JB 1 0 51.406832 -2.634189
BS13 8JD 15 0 51.413854 -2.620913
BS13 8JL 18 3 51.417343 -2.617366
BS13 8JP 15 0 51.416238 -2.618832
BS13 8JR 6 1 51.415863 -2.618039
BS13 8JS 12 1 51.41539 -2.617685
BS13 8JU 18 5 51.414628 -2.618655
BS13 8JW 17 0 51.416873 -2.617805
BS13 8JX 10 1 51.414501 -2.619283
BS13 8JY 16 0 51.413703 -2.62021
BS13 8JZ 22 8 51.413184 -2.61997
BS13 8LA 10 0 51.412507 -2.620093
BS13 8LB 11 1 51.411978 -2.620155
BS13 8LD 22 1 51.413052 -2.61945
BS13 8LE 37 2 51.412776 -2.618915
BS13 8LH 2 0 51.413714 -2.618125