all postcodes in BS13 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS13 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS13 8LF 13 2 51.410561 -2.619589
BS13 8LG 10 1 51.410648 -2.620122
BS13 8LP 17 0 51.411503 -2.624951
BS13 8LQ 2 0 51.413826 -2.617191
BS13 8LR 12 0 51.411716 -2.623775
BS13 8LS 7 0 51.411552 -2.622464
BS13 8LT 12 0 51.411452 -2.620996
BS13 8LU 13 0 51.410966 -2.621219
BS13 8LW 6 0 51.411223 -2.625206
BS13 8LX 19 0 51.411135 -2.623235
BS13 8LY 20 0 51.410679 -2.624379
BS13 8LZ 24 0 51.409982 -2.625318
BS13 8NA 23 0 51.409158 -2.626371
BS13 8NB 12 0 51.408133 -2.626228
BS13 8ND 23 0 51.408604 -2.627341
BS13 8NE 42 0 51.409624 -2.626679
BS13 8NF 20 0 51.410563 -2.625887
BS13 8NG 21 0 51.411202 -2.625737
BS13 8NH 37 0 51.409916 -2.627546
BS13 8NJ 9 0 51.409738 -2.62851