all postcodes in BS13 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS13 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS13 8PQ 19 10 51.409445 -2.621
BS13 8PR 14 0 51.409431 -2.624103
BS13 8PS 4 0 51.40952 -2.625501
BS13 8PT 28 0 51.408832 -2.625101
BS13 8PU 23 0 51.408092 -2.623869
BS13 8PW 26 0 51.410329 -2.624259
BS13 8PX 28 0 51.407589 -2.62379
BS13 8PY 15 0 51.407495 -2.622941
BS13 8PZ 7 0 51.408872 -2.622557
BS13 8QA 21 2 51.407851 -2.621954
BS13 8QB 8 0 51.407683 -2.621362
BS13 8QD 15 0 51.406242 -2.621845
BS13 8QE 7 0 51.404431 -2.622439
BS13 8QF 18 0 51.404933 -2.62282
BS13 8QG 22 0 51.406436 -2.622466
BS13 8QH 45 0 51.406814 -2.624039
BS13 8QJ 18 0 51.406026 -2.625264
BS13 8QL 22 0 51.406226 -2.624706
BS13 8QN 24 0 51.406294 -2.623758
BS13 8QP 1 0 51.4054 -2.624522